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Sea Butterfly Swimming

Our research on sea butterfly swimming was featured in 100+ national and international media outlets (New York Times ScienceTake video, BBC News, NPR, Washington Post, Slate, Popular Science, Scientific American, New Scientist, The Christian Science Monitor, Daily Mail, etc…) in February 2016.

Our research on sea butterfly swimming also was featured on the Discovery Channel in October 2017. Here is a link to the segment.

The following 2018 Gallery of Fluid Motion video created by Ferhat Karakas details more of our work on sea butterfly swimming.

The YouTube channel Scishow (with over 6 million subscribers) made the following video about our research in May 2020:

Also, see these news articles from September 2020 about how shell shape and size affects swimming and sinking behavior: Science News and SciTechDaily

Bubble Bursting Research

Our research on the fluid dynamics of bubble bursting was featured in Science Magazine here. The following video by Ali Al Dasouqi further describes that work and won an award at the 2019 Gallery of Fluid Motion.

Oil Spill Research

Our research on oil spill dispersion was featured in the 2016 documentary Dispatches from the Gulf, narrated by Matt Damon. Dr. Murphy's interview is below:

The following video gives a great overview of some of our oil spill research:

The following video shows aspects of copepod behavior at low Reynolds number.

at the University of South Florida
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